by Bill Ball

KBK High Efficiency Gunbarrel
KBK High Efficiency Gunbarrel

The HWSB® (Hydro-dynamic Water Separation Breakthrough) has revolutionized oil-water separation in high water cut production scenarios. However, like any complex piece of equipment, its success hinges on proper installation, startup, and ongoing maintenance. This guide will equip you with the knowledge to maximize your HWSB®’s performance and avoid costly downtime.

The Critical Role of the Oil-Water Interface

The heart of the HWSB®’s efficiency lies in maintaining the correct oil-water interface level. This interface, the boundary between the oil layer (pad) and the water below, dictates the separation process. An incorrect interface level can lead to oil carryover into the water effluent or excessive oil retention in the tank, both impacting profitability.

Step-by-Step Startup Procedure

  1. Leveling and Leak Checks: Ensure the HWSB® is installed on a level pad and conduct thorough leak checks in both the water and oil inlet/outlet lines.
  2. Initial Water Fill: Fill the HWSB® with produced water to the designated interface level, ensuring no leaks.
  3. Oil Fill and Interface Adjustment: Introduce oil until it spills over into the oil bucket. Adjust the water leg (if adjustable) to achieve the correct oil-water interface level as specified in your HWSB® design drawing.
  4. Fine-Tuning and Observation: Monitor the interface level closely for the first 72 hours, making minor adjustments as needed. Check the oil for BS&W (basic sediment and water) content; if high, consider adding a demulsifier.
  5. Ongoing Maintenance: Regularly check the interface level and adjust as necessary. Utilize the interface drains to remove any accumulated BS&W and the center column solids drain to prevent solids buildup. Periodically have your chemical supplier evaluate the effectiveness of your demulsifier.

Troubleshooting Tips


The HWSB® is a powerful tool for optimizing oil-water separation, but its effectiveness depends on meticulous startup and maintenance procedures. By following this guide and remaining vigilant, you can ensure your HWSB® operates at its peak, maximizing oil recovery and minimizing costs. Remember, patience and attention to detail are key to success. If you encounter challenges, don’t hesitate to consult the experts at KBK Industries for assistance.

Read the technical paper, HWSB® Start-up Instructions

Bill Ball is a senior staff consultant to KBK Industries with over 50 years of oilfield engineering experience and holder of twenty-three oil and gas industry related US patents. His credentials represent the culmination of a lifetime of breakthroughs and innovations. Bill’s twenty-three US process equipment patents speak to this. His first patent has become an industry “game changer.”  It is the industry’s first true oil-water separation “skim tank”, the “HWSB”. Today there are over 3,500 HWSB® skim tanks separating and capturing oil that used to be injected and lost forever. Bill resides in Bixby, a suburb of Tulsa, Oklahoma.